CEO Domain 2
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Certification Exam Outline

2.1 Identify and classify information and assets

classification is a critical first step to better and more secure asset and data management, providing valuable insight into an environment

  • Data classification civil vs mil+gov: public –> confidential, unclassified –> top secret
  • Asset Classification -inventory of assets & their owners/responsible persons

2.2 Determine and maintain information and asset ownership

  • data owners and data processors will have clearly outlined roles 2.3 Protect privacy
  • Data owners
  • Data processers
  • Data remanence
  • Collection limitation (Collection Limitation Principle: Collection of personal data should be limited, obtained by lawful and fair means, and with the knowledge of the subject.)

2.4 Ensure appropriate asset retention

  • applies to record & media: data is kept in a usable state while needed & destroyed when no longer needed
  • audit trail data must be kept to reconstruct past incidents
  • 2.5 Determine data security controls
  • Understand data states at rest/in motion/in use
  • Scoping and tailoring

SCOPING –> which portions of a standard will be used

TAILORING –> customize a standard to implement in an org

  • Standards selection

org need to ensure the controls comply w/ certain external security standards (PCI-DSS, GDPR for example)

need to identify the standards that apply and assure controls comply w/ them

  • Data protection methods
  • confidentiality –> encryption (at rest/in motion)
  • backups: full, differential (only data changed from last full), incremental (only changed data from last diff/full)
  • db mirroring, snapshots, availability zones (cloud), vaulting (physical)
  • data deduplication
  • RAID (0-6, 10)

2.6 Establish information and asset handling requirements

  • combinations of phy/adm/tech controls that assist security professionals in establishing the handling requirements for sensitive information and valued assets.
  • marking, handling, declassification, storage
  • declassify data –> remove/obfuscate sensitive elem: de-identification, obfuscation, anonymization, tokenization

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