Notes for Domain 7
Edit me


  • administrative –> internal (operational investigations - resolve tech issues; root cause analysis)
  • criminal –> beyond a reasonable doubt standard of evidence
  • civil –> between parties; preponderence of the evidence standard
  • regulatory –> compliance w/ industry standards

documentary evidence rules

  • authentication rule –> must be auth by testimony
  • best evidence rule –> original superior to copies
  • parol evidence rule –> written contracts are assumed to be the entire agreement


the process of collecting/preserving/examining/analysing/presenting EVIDENCE

legal hold –> order that suspends the modif/deletion/destruction of records & media; issued to avoid evidence spoliation (alter/destroy evidence)

order of volatility –> acquisition of evidence before it disappears/overwritten:

  • RAM
  • dump files
  • temp files
  • log files
  • static data (media)

data acquisition tools

  • memory imaging –> dump RAM
  • write blocker –> intercepts device writes
  • bit stream image –> bit by bit copy preserving everything, doesn’t change data
  • clone –> exact copy of the entire HDD (data, residual data, slack)
hash the media before using the tools above; HASH = FINGERPRINT

hash also the cloned media & at the end of the examination the fingerprints must be the same

file recovery

tool purpose
cluster fixed length blocks of disk space (referenced in FAT)
slack space space btw end of file - end of cluster
unallocated (free) space clusters not allocated to a file. CARVING = deleted files/fragments are recovered
metadata data about data (see below)


  • pseudo –> user created: comments, track changes, formulas, embedded files
  • file system –> file attr: date created, date last accessed
  • application –> appl. created: info about who wrote the docu, doc created date, specific to the application


internal investigations can lead to administrative hearing (trial-like process before an administrative agency), can morph into civil/criminal case


  • factual - individual who has directly participated/observed; CAN ONLY TELL THE STORY
  • expert - person with knowledge, CAN GIVE AN OPINION

Log analysis techniques

  • deduplication –> remove duplicates
  • correlation –> relate log entries
  • aggregation –> consolidate log entries
  • normalization –> standardize log details
  • synchronization –> NTP synced
  • identification –> identify normal/abusive activity

network forensics - NETFLOW DATA –> summarizes traffic, high-level info (IP addr, ports, timestamp + amount of data)

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