Physical security controls
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  1. administrative
    • policies & procedures, facility selection, personnel controls, awareness, site management
  2. logical
    • technical controls - alarms, CCTV, HVAC, fire detection
  3. physical
    • physical means - fences, lighting, locks, dogs/guards, mantraps
    • ideal humidity - 40 - 60 percent
    • ideal temp - 15 - 23 Celsius
there is no security without physical security !!!
blackout prolonged loss of power
fault short loss of power
brownout prolonged low voltage
sag temp low voltage
surge prolonged high voltage
spike temp high voltage

clean power –> UPS in order to prevent damage

too much humidity –> CORROSION

too little humidity –> STATIC ELECTRICITY


class (mnemonic) type extinguished with
A (ash) wood, paper water, soda acid
B (boil) burning alchool, oil, gasoline CO2, soda acid, halon
C (conductive) electrical CO2, halon
D (Dilythium) burning metals dry powder
K (Kitchen) kitchen fire, oil, grease wet chemicals

fire detection

  • smoke sensing
  • flame sensing
  • heat sensing

electromagnetic interference

  • common mode noise –> diff in power btw hot/ground wires
  • traverse mode noise –> diff in power btw hot/neutral wires

RFI - Radio Frequency Interference –> generated by electrical appliances, light sources, cables, etc.

water suppression systems

  • preaction –> closed sprinkler heads, pipe charged w/ air
  • wet pipes –> filled w/ water
  • dry pipes –> filled w/ air
  • deluge –> dry pipes w/ larger open sprinkler heads
water and electricity do not mix !!!

gas discharge suppression systems

  • halon not anymore –> FM-200, argon, argonite, inergen

mantrap –> only one person in

masquerading –> Pretend to be someone else

piggybacking –> follow someone through a secure gate w/o being id/auth personally

sensors for glass

  • shock –> built in the window
  • glass-break –> mic that listens for sounds

air quality - no dust + positive pressurization (DC room has a bigger pressure, when door is opened the air should flow OUT, not IN)

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