Notes for Domain 5
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clipping level –> baseline threshold above which violations will be recorded

geo-fecing –> location factor authentication (type IV), devices only operate correctly within the geo-fence boundaries

device authentication –> relies on the identity of the device as part of the auth process (device is registered somewhere, is known)

separation of duties

  • dual control –> 2/more users are req’d to perform the task
  • split knowledge –> no single user has all the information to perform a task

need to know –> user/process is given only the minimum access privilege needed to perform a task

least privilege –> seeks to reduce access to a minimum (defined by “need to know”)

compartmentalization –> users are divided into groups to facilitate the confinement of information to a single group/area

default no access –> add rights based on user’s need to know and least privilege for his tasks

scrubbing –> delete incriminating data from an (audit) log

some text

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