Notes for Domain 2
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SENSITIVITY --> amount of damage that would be done if info is disclosed
CRITICALITY --> time sensitivity of data - how much revenue the asset generates; damage done if info unavailable

Data classification policies

  • FORMAL ACCESS APPROVAL –> data owner approves access (written document)
  • NEED TO KNOW –> (applied to DATA) need VALID reason to access the data
  • LEAST PRIVILEGE –> (applied to ACTIONS) users have minimum necessary access to perform their job duties

Sensitive information

  • DATA HANDLING –> policies for HOW/WHERE/WHEN/WHY data was handled
  • DATA STORAGE –> where is data kept
  • DATA RETENTION –> not kept beyond its period of usefulness/legal req’s


state protection method
at rest FS encryption
in use physical security, screen protectors
in transit SSL/TLS (VPN, IPv6 built-in encryption


threat countermeasure
unauth usage/access - strong auth
  - encryption
  - obfuscation, anonymization, tokenization, masking
  - org policies & layered defence
liability due to non compliance - due care & due diligency
  - SLAs
DoS/DDoS - redundancy
  - data dispersion
corruption, modification, destruction of data - hashes/digitally signed files
data leakage/breaches - DLP - Data Loss Prevention
theft/accidental media loss - encryption
malware attack - anti-malware
improper sanitization at end of data lifecycle - destroy data if end of life
DATA DISPERSION --> data replicated in multiple physical locations (cloud).
DATA FRAGMENTATION --> dataset split into smaller fragments (shards) distributed across several servers

DLP - Data Loss/Leakage Prevention

  • controls put in place to ensure that certain types of data remain under org control in line w/ policies/standards/procedures
  • help ensure compliance w/ PCI-DSS, HIPAA, etc
    OBFUSCATION --> hide/replace/omit sensitive info
    MASKING --> use specific chars to hide parts of a dataset
    DATA ANONYMIZATION --> encrypt/remove PII from datasets
    TOKENIZATION --> access to tokenized data, not real data
    PSEUDONYMIZATION --> aliases to represent other data (id instead of username)

DRM - DATA rights management

  • aka IRM - Information Rights Management
  • extra layer of access controls on top of the data object to control print/save/copy/etc.
  • travels w/ the data, agnostic of its location; IRM travels w/ the file

DATA REMANCENCE residual data that remains on storage/memory after a file/data has been deleted/erased.

ILM - Information Lifecycle Management

stage remarks
CREATION -classified & owner is assigned
DISTRIBUTION - “data in motion”
  - vulnerable to compromise
  - encryption, DLP (Data Loss Prevention) technologies
USE -“data in use”
  - accessed by user/app & actively being used
  - must be accessed only on auth systems by auth ppl
MAINTENANCE - “data at rest”
  - data on any kind of storage for backup, archive, etc.
  - review of classif levels, encryption
  - protect for CIA
  - Confidentiality: system/dir/file permissions & encryption
  - Integrity: hashes, CRC, file locking
  - Availability: db/file clustering, backup, real-time replication
DISPOSITION - data has no longer value –> properly destroyed

Removing data remnants

  • ERASING –> OS delete, only marks storage space as unavailable (if not overwritten, can be read)
  • CLEARING –> overwriting, data inaccessible by normal means
  • PURGING –> data overwritten several times
  • DEGAUSSING –> magnetic field; ineffective against SSD’s
  • DESTRUCTION –> phy destruction, **irreversible


  • ISO 27001/2
  • OCTAVE —> self-directed risk management
  • COSO –> goals for the entire organisation
  • COBIT –> goals for IT
  • ITIL –> IT service mgmt
  • FRAP –> Facilitated Risk Analysis Process
SCOPING --> which portions of a standard will be used
TAILORING --> customize a standard to implement in an org
CERTIFICATION --> certified to meet the security reqs of the data owner
ACCREDITATION --> data owner's acceptance of certification & residual risk, before it goes into prod

SECURITY MARKING –> use of human-readable security attr; reflects laws, policies, standards; enable organisational process-based enforcement of policies

SECURITY LABELING –> use of security attr for internal data structures withing information systems


data processor processes personal data on behalf of data controller
data controller controls processing
data transfer not outside EU
anonymization remove all relevant data to make id of the subject impossible (if done ok, GDPR is no longer relevant; data is modified
pseudonymization use aliases to represent other data

Security Test & Evaluation Program

  • req’d for certif & accred of all US gov agencies according to FISMA
  • management controls –> risk mgmt & management of info sec (perform risk assess/ensure inventory of all assets exists)
  • operational controls –> processes exec/implem by people (sec training program/AUP signed)
  • technical controls –> processes implem/exec by hw/sw mech. (change passwd regularly/logon display)
Tags: domain_2