Notes for Domain 8
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SDLC - systems development life cycle

  • system development model
  • in the context of CISSP –> secure systems development LC
  • prepare a sec plan
  • initiation
    • conduct a sensitivity assessment
  • dev/acquisition
    • determine sec reqs
    • incorporate sec reqs in specifications
  • implementation
    • install controls
    • sec testing
    • accreditation
  • operation/maintenance
    • sec operations & administration
    • operational assurance
    • audits & monitoring
  • disposal
    • destroy/archive info
    • media sanitization/destruction
  • SDLC.
  • SDLC.

CASE - computer-aided software engineering

uses programs to assist in the creation/maint of other programs

three types of CASE software:

  • tools –> support only a specific task
  • workbench –> integrate several tools in a single app
  • environment –> collection of tools and workbenches

Types of publicly released software

  • closed source –> released in executable form, source code = confi
  • open source –> source code = public
  • proprietary –> subject to intellectual property protections

  • free software –> free of charge (gratis) or free to modify it (libre)
  • freeware –> free of charge to use
  • shareware –> fully functional proprietary sw that can be used for free initially
  • crippleware –> proprietary sw w/ key features disabled (pay for the full version)

Application development models

Waterfall model

  • linear, rigid phases; steps come in sequence, not possible to go back to the previous step
  • modified waterfall –> can return to previous phase for verif/validation

Sashimi model

  • like waterfall, but with overlapping phases


  • modern concepts, include Scrum & XP


  • team works as a unit: scrum team, scrum master, product owner

XP - extreme programming

  • Agile dev method: pairs of programmers working together a detailed specification


  • designed to control risk
  • repeats steps of a project, starting small, expanding outwards – rounds
  • each round –> is a project w/ own sw dev method
  • risk analysis - each round

RAD - Rapid Application Development

  • uses prototypes (dummy GUI, db, etc)
  • goal = quickly meet the business needs, technical = secondary
  • customer = heavily involved
CHANGE MGMT --> manage changes made to the systems (WHY) - formal review/approval from all stakeholders before implem
CONFIG MGMT --> record modifications to a prod environ (WHAT)

GANTT chart –> bar chart that shows the interrelationships over time between projects and schedules. It provides a graphical illustration of a schedule that helps to plan, coordinate, and track specific tasks in a project.

PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique) –> project-scheduling tool used to judge the size of a software product in development and calculate the standard deviation (SD) for risk assessment. used to direct improvements to project management and software coding in order to produce more efficient software

Maturity models

to benchmark the software development maturity

  • CMMI - Capability Maturity Model Integration –> defines 5 levels
    • initial
    • managed
    • defined
    • quantitatively managed
    • optimizing
  • SAMM - Software Assurange Maturity Model –> open framework geared towards including sec features

  • BSIMM - Building Security in Maturity Model –> measure the extent to which sec is included in software dev processes

  • AMM - Agile Maturity Model –> sw process improvement model for Agile

Integrated Product Team –> TBD

  • customer-focused group that focuses on the entire lifecycle of a project
  • multidisciplinary group, collectively responsible
  • no strict hierarchy, involves ppl from various org structures

software escrow –> third party stores an archive of the software code

Threat modeling

systematic & detailed analysis of all interfaces, API & interaction w/ components (db, OS) - try to understand the ways in which they could be misused/abused

STRIDE –> threat classif. model

  • Spoofing of user identity
  • Tampering
  • Repudiation
  • Info disclosure
  • DoS
  • Elevation of privilege

Software testing

reasonableness check –> ensures that values returned by software match specified criteria that are within reasonable bounds (500 kg human weight?!)

software testing methods

  • black box testing –> from user’s perspective, input something; NO ACCESS TO CODE
  • white box testing –> internal logical structure, CODE line by line
  • grey box testing –> combines both above, popular for sw validation; code used to define tests, not analysed

tests for security app

  • STATIC –> analyses code w/o running it
  • DYNAMIC –> code runs


relational –> two-dimensional tables (rows aka tuple + columns aka attributes)

primary key –> unique value in each row

candidate key –> any column w/ unique values

foreign key –> key that matches a primary key in another table

DB integrity

  • referential –> every foreign key matches a primary key
  • semantic –> each column value is consistent w/ the attribute data type
  • entity –> each row has a unique non-null primary key

normalization –> data is logically concise, organised & consistent; removes duplicates

DB view –> results of a query, used to provide a constrained user interface

SDLC - systems development life cycle

  1. initiation/planning –> idea & objectives
  2. func. req. definition –> how the functions will fit the users
  3. system design specifications –> how data enters the system, flows and exits
  4. dev & implem –> source code
  5. docu & common program controls –> documentation, logging
  6. acceptance –> tested by a third party (func & sec tests)
  7. testing & evaluation controls –> guidelines how testing will be conducted
  8. certification –> compared against set of standards to ensure it complies
  9. accreditation –> mgmt approves system for implementation
  10. implementation –> from dev to prod

additional in the larger SLC process:

  1. operations & maintenance –> live prod, monitored & patched, etc
  2. revisions & system replacement –> evaluate for new functionalities/retired

INFERENCE –> deduce sensitive info based on available info

AGGREGATION –> combine benign info from several sources to reveal sensitive info

Storage types

primary memory directly available to CPU - most high perf
secondary storage long term, HDD, DVD
virtual memory simulate pri memory by using secondary storage (swapping)
virtual storage simulate secondary storage by use primary storage (RAM disk)
random access storage RAM/HDD - OS can request contents from any pont within the media
sequential access storage tape - requires scanning through entire media from beginning to reach a specific addr
volatile storage loses content when power down - RAM
nonvolatile storage survives a reboot - magnetic, optical, NVRAM

Knowledge-based AI systems


  • applies accumulated knowledge to future decisions
  • 2 components:
    • knowledge base –> contains rules, codified as series of if-then statements
    • inference engine –> analyses information in KB to reach a decision


  • use analytic capabilities to develop knowledge from datasets without the direct application of human insight
  • allow the computer to analyze and learn directly from data, developing and updating models of activity
  • 2 categories:
    • supervised learning - labeled data; dataset + correct answers and algorithm develops a model for future cases
    • unsupervised learning - unlabeled data; no correct answers, alg has to develop a model independently


  • chains of computational units are used in an attempt to imitate the human brain (reasoning)
  • extension of ML, aka deep learning / cognitive systems
  • Delta (learning) rule –> neural networks are able to learn from experience
EXPERT SYSTEM --> rules stored in knowledge base
NEURAL NETWORK --> long chain of computational decisions feed into each other and sum to produce the desired output
Tags: domain_8