Secure Hardware Architecture
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PROCESS - executable program and its associated data loaded/running in memory
  - HWP - Heavy Weight Process = TASK
  - parent process can spawn additional children (threads)
THREAD - LWP - Light Weight Process, can share memory

Process states

  • NEW –> being created
  • READY –> waiting to be exec’d by CPU
  • RUNNING –> being exec’d by CPU
  • BLOCKED –> waiting for i/o
  • TERMINATE –> completed
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MULTITHREADING CPU/single core can execute multiple processes/thread concurrently divides CPU time among child processes (aka threads)
MULTIPROCESSING computer using more than 1 CPU for a task divide load among multiple CPUs
MULTITASKING tasks sharing a common resource (1 CPU) divide CPU time among multiple processes
MULTIPROGRAMMING computer running more than one program at a time  

Memory protection –> prevents one process from affecting the CIA of another; used in multi-user/multitasking envs

Process isolation –> logical control that prevents one proc interferring w/ another

Hardware segmentation –> maps processes to specific memory locations

Virtual memory –> provides virt addr mapping btw apps and hw memory

SWAPPING –> moves entire processes from RAM to secondary memory (disk)

PAGING –> copies block from RAM (pri memory) from/to secondary memory (disk)


  • primary –> info that is required by CPU, volatile
  • secondary –> non-volatile memory used for long-term storage (HDD, CDROM)

Faraday cage –> block electromagnetic signals (radio, wireless, cellular, RFID tags)

Lockdown enclosure prevents theft of computer equipment

CONFINEMENT –> restricts a process to read/write from/to specific memory locations

BOUNDS –> limits of memory a process cannot exceed (read/write)

ISOLATION –> process running confined through the use of memory bounds

Describing vulnerabilitites

needs a common set of standards to provide a common language for describing/evaluating vulns.

SCAP - Security COntent Automation Protocol

  • common framework, w/ several components
    • Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) - naming system for describing security vulnerabilities.
    • Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) - standardized scoring system for describing the severity of security vulnerabilities.
    • Common Configuration Enumeration (CCE) - naming system for system configuration issues.
    • Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) - naming system for operating systems, applications, and devices.
    • Extensible Configuration Checklist Description Format (XCCDF) - language for specifying security checklists.
    • Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL) - language for describing security testing procedures
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