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COMPRESSION –> reduces redundancy before plaintext is encrypted, increases crypto strength
DECOMPRESSION FUNCTIONS –> run on the text before it enters the encryption algorithm

Security services provided by cryptography

  • PRIVACY –> unauth disclosure
  • AUTHENTICITY –> verifies the claimed identity
  • INTEGRITY –> detects modif
  • NON-REPUDIATION –> combines Authenticity + Integrity; cannot deny sending/content of msg

plain text + initialization vector + algorithm (cipher) + key = cipher text

Initialization vector - IV - adds randomness to the process
IV - confidentiality of data
salt/seed - used w/ passwords - additional random data to a one-way hashing function; against rainbow tables

all crypto algs rely on keys: nothing more than a (big) number.
key space: range of values that are valid for use as a key
** bit size of key space**: number of binary bits (0s and 1s) in the key

KERCKHOFFS'S PRINCIPLE --> crypto system should be secure even if everything about it, except the key, is public knowledge.
term meaning
cryptography creating and implementing secret codes and ciphers
cryptanalysis study of methods to defeat codes and ciphers
cryptology cryptography and cryptanalysis
cryptosystems Specific implementations of a code or cipher in hardware and software

Logical operations

op sign result
AND 1∧1=1; rest is 0
OR 1 everytime there is a 1
NOT ~ or !  
EXCLUSIVE OR XOR ⊕ returns a true value when only one of the input values is true
MODULO mod % the remainder value left over after a division operation

one-way function –> mathematical operation that produces output values for each possible combination of inputs but makes it impossible to retrieve the input values
NONCE –> random number acting as a placeholder variable in mathematical functions. When the function is executed, the nonce is replaced with a random number generated at the moment of processing for one-time use. The nonce must be a unique number each time it is used.

CODE: crypto systems of symbols representing words/phrases, sometimes secret, not meant to provide confidentiality vs
CIPHER: always meant to hide msg’s true meaning

**running key ciphers aka "book ciphers" ** --> the encryption key is as long as the message itself and is often chosen from a common book

**CONFUSION** --> relationship between the plaintext and the key is so complicated that an attacker can’t merely continue altering the plaintext and analyzing the resulting ciphertext to determine the key

**DIFFUSION** --> a change in the plaintext results in multiple changes spread throughout the ciphertext

Distribution of symmetric keys

  • OFFLINE –> physical exchange
  • PUBLIC KEY ENCR. –> public key to setup a secure channel, over which the secret key is exchanged

zero-knowledge proof –> prove knowledge of a fact w/o revealing the fact itself

split knowledge –> no single person has sufficient privileges to compromise the security

work function (factor) –> measure the strength of a crypto system by measuring the effort in terms of cost/time to decrypt

key clustering –> weakness where a plaintext generates identical ciphertext using the same alg w/ different keys

DES (3DES) modes

ECB Electronic Codebook block; simplest, least secure; enc w/ chosen key, same block will produce same ciphertext
CBC Cipher Block Chaining block; unenc text XOR w/ preceding ciphertext block; propagates errors
CFB Cipher Feedback stream; same as CBC, propagates errors
OFB Output Feedback stream; plain text XOR seed; no chaining, no propagation of errors
CTR Counter stream; inc counter instead seed; no error propagation

DSS - Digital Signature Standard

  • rely on public key crypto + hashing functions
  • uses SHA-1/2/3 message digest functions
  • uses one of 3 encryption alg:
    • DSA
    • RSA
    • ECDSA

meet-in-the-middle attack –> exploits protos that use two rounds of encryption

man-in-the-middle attack –> both parties comm w/ attacker instead w/ each other

birthday attack –> attempt to find collisions in hash functions

replay attack –> reuse auth requests

symmetric algorithms

Name type block size key size strength
AES block 128 128-256 strong
Blowfish   64 32-448  
DES Block 64 56 very weak/obsolete
3DES block 64 112/168 moderate
IDEA   64 128  
RC5   32, 64,128 0-2040 very strong
Skipjack   64 80  
Twofish   128 1-256  

asymmetric algorithms

name type size strength
RSA key transport 512 strong
Diffie-Hellman key exchange   moderate
El Gamal key exchange   very strong
ECC elliptic curve variable w/ smaller key very strong

hash algorithms

Name hash value length
HMAC variable
HAVAL 128-256
SHA-224 224
SHA-256 256
SHA-384 384
SHA-512 512
MD5 128

3 major public key cryptosystems

  • RSA –> factoring product of prime numbers
  • El Gamal –> extension of Diffie-Hellman
  • Elliptic Curve –> discrete logarithm



  • unique, NON-SECRET value appended to pwd before hashing
  • stored in the db


  • SECRET value appended to pwd before hashing
  • NOT stored in the db, but in cfg file/hardcoded


  • no additional advantage over classical in terms of computability
  • enable design of novel algorithms
  • Shor’s alg endangers most PKI algorithms
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