Notes for Domain 8
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SDLC - systems development life cycle

  • system development model
  • in the context of CISSP –> secure systems development LC

(below the simple description from OSG)

conceptual definition bosses, 2 paragraphs on what it should do
functional req dev team, all inputs/behavior/outputs
sec control specification security from beginning- auth, encr, etc.
design review all pieces put together - all stakeholders must agree
code review meetings to check if the code really implements what has been agreed
system test test the code for production
maintenance & chg mgmt code operational, any modification via change mgmt
  • prepare a sec plan
  • initiation
    • conduct a sensitivity assessment
  • dev/acquisition
    • determine sec reqs
    • incorporate sec reqs in specifications
  • implementation
    • install controls
    • sec testing
    • accreditation
  • operation/maintenance
    • sec operations & administration
    • operational assurance
    • audits & monitoring
  • disposal
    • destroy/archive info
    • media sanitization/destruction

CASE - computer-aided software engineering

uses programs to assist in the creation/maint of other programs

three types of CASE software:

  • tools –> support only a specific task
  • workbench –> integrate several tools in a single app
  • environment –> collection of tools and workbenches

Types of publicly released software

  • closed source –> released in executable form, source code = confi
  • open source –> source code = public
  • proprietary –> subject to intellectual property protections

  • free software –> free of charge (gratis) or free to modify it (libre)
  • freeware –> free of charge to use
  • shareware –> fully functional proprietary sw that can be used for free initially
  • crippleware –> proprietary sw w/ key features disabled (pay for the full version)

Application development models

Waterfall model

  • linear, rigid phases; steps come in sequence, not possible to go back to the previous step
  • modified waterfall –> can return to previous phase for verif/validation

Sashimi model

  • like waterfall, but with overlapping phases


  • modern concepts, include Scrum & XP


  • team works as a unit: scrum team, scrum master, product owner

XP - extreme programming

  • Agile dev method: pairs of programmers working together a detailed specification


  • designed to control risk
  • repeats steps of a project, starting small, expanding outwards – rounds
  • each round –> is a project w/ own sw dev method
  • risk analysis - each round

RAD - Rapid Application Development

  • uses prototypes (dummy GUI, db, etc)
  • goal = quickly meet the business needs, technical = secondary
  • customer = heavily involved
CHANGE MGMT --> manage changes made to the systems (WHY) - formal review/approval from all stakeholders before implem
CONFIG MGMT --> record modifications to a prod environ (WHAT)

Maturity models

to benchmark the software development maturity

  • CMMI - Capability Maturity Model Integration –> defines 5 levels
    • initial
    • managed
    • defined
    • quantitatively managed
    • optimizing
    • initiating
    • diagnosing
    • establishing
    • acting
    • learning
  • SAMM - Software Assurange Maturity Model –> open framework geared towards including sec features

  • BSIMM - Building Security in Maturity Model –> measure the extent to which sec is included in software dev processes

  • AMM - Agile Maturity Model –> sw process improvement model for Agile

Integrated Product Team –> TBD

  • customer-focused group that focuses on the entire lifecycle of a project
  • multidisciplinary group, collectively responsible
  • no strict hierarchy, involves ppl from various org structures

software escrow –> third party stores an archive of the software code

Threat modeling

systematic & detailed analysis of all interfaces, API & interaction w/ components (db, OS) - try to understand the ways in which they could be misused/abused

STRIDE –> threat classif. model

  • Spoofing of user identity
  • Tampering
  • Repudiation
  • Info disclosure
  • DoS
  • Elevation of privilege

Acceptance testing


relational –> two-dimensional tables (rows aka tuple + columns aka attributes)

primary key –> unique value in each row

candidate key –> any column w/ unique values

foreign key –> key that matches a primary key in another table

DB integrity

  • referential –> every foreign key matches a primary key
  • semantic –> each column value is consistent w/ the attribute data type
  • entity –> each row has a unique non-null primary key

normalization –> data is logically concise, organised & consistent; removes duplicates

DB view –> results of a query, used to provide a constrained user interface

SDLC - systems development life cycle

  1. initiation/planning –> idea & objectives
  2. func. req. definition –> how the functions will fit the users
  3. system design specifications –> how data enters the system, flows and exits
  4. dev & implem –> source code
  5. docu & common program controls –> documentation, logging
  6. acceptance –> tested by a third party (func & sec tests)
  7. testing & evaluation controls –> guidelines how testing will be conducted
  8. certification –> compared against set of standards to ensure it complies
  9. accreditation –> mgmt approves system for implementation
  10. implementation –> from dev to prod

additional in the larger SLC process:

  1. operations & maintenance –> live prod, monitored & patched, etc
  2. revisions & system replacement –> evaluate for new functionalities/retired

INFERENCE –> deduce sensitive info based on available info

AGGREGATION –> combine benign info from several sources to reveal sensitive info

Tags: domain_8