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creates logical network of devices - REALM - and uses a system of tickets and session keys to auth clients

  1. client auth itself to KDC
    • receives TGT (ticket-granting ticket) + session key
    • TGT + session key = credentials for other devices in realm
  2. client needs another device in realm
    • client decrypts session key & sends it w/ TGT to TGS (ticket-granting server)
  3. TGS returns a ST (service ticket) encrypted w/ a key specific to the wanted device
    • TGS returns also a second session key
  4. client sends ST + second session key to device
role function
KDC (key distribution center) - authenticates the user in realm
  - returns TGT (ticket-granting ticket) + session key
TGS (ticket granting server) - authenticates the user for a service/server (permission to access)
  - returns ST (service ticket - enc w/ target’s key) + session key for target
Tags: domain_5