Notes for Domain 6
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–> determine how effectively the entity being evaluated meets specific sec criteria (assurance)

    • passive, interview, review, inspect, study to understand/obtain evidence; NON INTRUSIVE
    • determine if documentation is proper, focus on policies/standards, etc.
    • active, do smth to compare actual/expected behaviors; INTRUSIVE
    • identify vulns, pentesting, password cracking, social engineering

E + T can be conducted:

  • internal personnel
  • external personnel
  • overt –> known to affected personnel, cooperative
  • covert –> adversarial, known to few people

T + E can be required contractual or regulated (GLBA, FISMA, PCI-DSS)

ROE - Rules of Engagement

document that details the parameters/conduct of an assessment (test/examination)


  • scope –> selection of assessment objects (based on size, complexity, sampling)
    • sampling –> infer characteristics based on a sample; evidence sampling –> apply procedure to less than 100% of the population; sampling risk
    • sampling techniques
      • statistical sampling –> objective, each item has an equal probability of selection
      • non-statistical sampling –> subjective, included items are based on professional judgement
      • block sampling –> all items in a selected time period, numerical/alphabetical sequence
    • sampling approaches
      • fixed sample plan –> % of occurence in a defined population (how many)
      • stop and go sampling –> stop once a reasonable conclusion can be drawn
      • discovery/exploratory sampling –> single instance is enough (fraud, illegal activity)
  • level of expertise/methodology
  • logistics/comm plan
    • location (access to target - phy/logical)
    • timing (outside business, maint windows)
    • notification (internal, 3rd party, customers)
  • data handling req
  • reporting expectations
  • assessor responsibilities
  • legal considerations
    • authorization
    • liability
    • indemnification
    • non-disclosure
    • privacy

Infrastructure assessment

  • system config examination
  • log review
  • vuln assessment
  • pentesting
  • red team/blue team exercise –> simulated attack (preparedness/response capabilities)

pentest types

  • black box (blind) –> pentester = no details, target knows
  • double blind –> pentest = no details, target doesn’t know; COVERT
  • gray box –> pentest = limited knowledge, target knows
  • white box (targeted) –> pentester + target work together; OVERT

pentest phases

  • passive recon
  • active recon
  • attack planning
  • attack & exploitation - depends on the RoE - proof of concept or actual exploit
  • reporting –> vuln findings, exploit activities & recommendations (mitigation, etc)
  • remediation & retesting

Code Testing & Analysis

Sec code assessment –> examine/test source code to verify that proper sec controls are in place and function as intended.

  • tatic code analysis –> static, read code
  • dynamic analysis –> running code
  • fuzzing –> automated; feed invalid, unexpected, random data
  • quality & performance testing –> response to use & misuse
    • use case –> normal conditions
    • misuse case –> unexpected input, adverse conditions
    • load testing –> normal/peak conditions
    • volume testing –> incremental volume of records (not users)
    • stress testing –> abnormal number of users
    • synthetic transactions –> emulate a specific interaction to measure availability + response times
  • regression testing –> functionality & security post-change (patch, update, config modif)

Collect Security Process Data

security devices generate reports about their function

IOA - indicator of attack (attack is coming/already happeing)

IOC - indicator of compromise (already exploited)

system custodian –> cfg monitoring & respond to output, authorize & implement change

security analyst –> analyze activity & report errors

Information Security Cont. Monitoring

program to maintain ongoing awareness of vulns/threats to support risk mgmt solutions; NIST SP800-137

maps to risk tolerance; involves management; adapts to ongoing needs

  • define
  • establish
  • implement
  • analyse/report
  • respond
  • review/update

ISCM needs the definition of:

  • metrics –> standard of measurement
  • freq of data collection
  • implem tools & methodologies

SCAP Security COntent Automation Protocol –> enables automated vuln mgmt, measurement & policy compliance.

NVD - National Vuln Database –> US gov repo of vuln mgmg data in SCAP format

Analyze Test Output & generate report

test & operational data flow

  • collect output
  • analyze data
  • produce actionable intelligence:
    • operational metrics - vuln/threat/risk mgmt decisions
    • KPI - Key Performance Indicators, business metrics - measure progress towards meeting performance targets
    • Business Intelligence - supports allignment & long-term planning
      • data warehousing - combines data from various sources over time
      • data mining - looks for trends, patterns, anonalies
      • predictive analytics - attempt to predict smth based on past data
      • aggregation - summarization of data

Conduct/facilitate security audits

AUDIT –> provides independent assurance based on evidence (examination + testing); auditors = professionals

audit types

  • internal controls audit –> evaluation/verification of controls
  • compliance audit –> comparison to established policies, standards
  • forensic audit –> id fraudulent & criminal activity

ENGAGEMENT LETTER –> documents the audit plan (objective, scope, resources, target, reporting)

AUDIT EVIDENCE –> all info used by the audotor used to arrive to the conclusions

audit examination report opinions

  • unqualified opinion –> no significant reservations
  • qualified opinion –> minor deviations, scope limitations
  • adverse opinion –> target is not compliant w/ control objectives or evidence = misleading
audit report is delivered to the highest level of management

audit workflow

  • identify objective
  • establish work paper documentation
  • determine procedures
  • collect/evaluate evidence
  • analyse evidence & prepare report
  • talk to mgmt
  • present audit report

infosec audit standards

  • ITAF
  • SSAE 18 Service Organization Controls –> report versions
    • SOC 1 - financial report
    • SOC 2 - controls to mitigate risks for sec, CIA & privacy (org chooses categories, but not audited controls)
    • SOC 3 - same as SOC 2, designed for public distribution, less details
    • 2 types:
      • type 1 - a certain point in time (04/04/2021); evaluation of design/implem, not efectiveness
      • type 2 - design, implem & efectiveness over a period of time (6/12 months); includes tests of operational efectiveness & results

compliance examinations

  • conducted by regulatory agencies, or on behalf of certification bodies
  • reports may include opinions, findings, recomm, next steps
  • failure –> fine, decertification, etc.
Tags: domain_6